The evolving role of CFOs: Driving business-wide transformation beyond finance

In today's rapidly evolving business environment, the role of the CFO is no longer confined to managing the balance sheets or ensuring regulatory compliance. The most successful CFOs are those who have embraced the broader responsibilities of shaping business strategy and driving transformative growth. Over the past few years, the team at InX has observed that the CFOs thriving in this new landscape are the ones who are not just reactive but proactively align finance with business objectives. These leaders understand that finance is a powerful enabler of business strategy—especially in dynamic, growth-oriented businesses that recognise the importance of agility in an ever-changing market.

While finance transformations have been taking place for years, the underlying reasons behind these initiatives remain consistent. Companies seek to leverage automation, streamline processes, and eliminate inefficiencies. The core objectives—reducing costs, minimising reliance on outdated processes, creating a single source of truth, and driving overall efficiency—have not changed. What has changed, however, is the scope and impact of these transformations.

The era of treating finance transformation as an isolated finance project is over. Increasingly, CFOs are recognising that transformation initiatives have a far-reaching influence that extends well beyond finance, influencing the broader business strategy and operations.

We recently spoke with Will Jones, Director of Definia (part of The IN Group), who works closely with businesses to define, design, and deliver their transformation strategies. Will shared valuable insights into why this shift is happening and what it means for businesses looking to stay competitive in today’s market:

“What’s new, and a positive shift we’ve noticed recently, is that businesses aren’t just doing a finance programme for the sake of finance. CFOs now recognise that this is a business benefit programme and the touchpoints of these initiatives stretch far beyond finance into other areas of the business. Compared to a few years ago, there’s much more awareness of the broader business impacts.

For instance, at a global organisation we are currently working with, out of 1,000+ people, 800 have ERP licences, which is over two-thirds of the organisation. That’s a substantial impact showing us that business and change impacts affect people, processes, and technology beyond finance alone. That wider evaluation is the key to success—it’s not just a finance team focus anymore.”

This shift signals an important evolution in the mindset of today’s C-suite. Where CFOs once concentrated primarily on financial reporting and cost management, they now play a pivotal role in steering business-wide change, often leading initiatives that impact the entire enterprise. What was once seen as a finance transformation has now become a comprehensive business transformation—one that touches on every department, from HR and operations to IT and supply chain management.

Why the holistic approach matters

For many organisations, the traditional approach to finance transformation was focused on cost-cutting and operational efficiency. But today’s forward-looking CFOs and business leaders are viewing transformation as a strategic lever to drive long-term growth, agility, and resilience. By integrating finance transformation with broader business objectives, organisations can unlock new opportunities for innovation, streamline decision-making, and create a more agile and responsive operating model.

For example, cloud-based ERP systems—such as those offered by platforms like Workday, SAP, and Microsoft Dynamics—are not just tools to enhance financial reporting. They are enablers of strategic decision-making, allowing companies to integrate data across multiple functions, gain real-time insights, and drive proactive, data-driven strategies.

The importance of a strategic partner

Given the complexity of today’s transformation initiatives, having a trusted partner who understands both the strategic and operational challenges of large-scale transformation is critical. At InX, we’ve worked alongside C-suite leaders to navigate this complexity by providing tailored solutions that align financial operations with overarching business strategies. Our expertise, coupled with the deep industry insights offered by Definia, ensures that we approach transformation not as a one-size-fits-all process, but as a bespoke journey designed to deliver sustainable outcomes.

By focusing on readiness assessments, robust governance structures, and roadmap sequencing, we enable businesses to mitigate risks and set a solid foundation for success. In collaboration with Definia, we offer end-to-end support—from defining strategic goals to implementing technology solutions that drive efficiency across the enterprise.

The future of finance transformation

The key takeaway for today’s C-suite? Finance transformation is no longer just about finance. It’s about harnessing the power of integrated systems, cross-functional collaboration, and data-driven insights to unlock value across the entire business. At InX and Definia, we’re committed to partnering with CFOs and business leaders to make these transformations a reality, ensuring that their organisations are not only ready for today’s challenges but also prepared to seize tomorrow’s opportunities.


Whether you’re looking to strengthen your leadership or you’re a senior professional looking to make a real difference for an organisation, get in touch with the InX team to find out we can help you. 


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